Monday, April 26, 2010

3 Months

Posted by TEAM PARKER at 1:53 PM 2 comments
I'm sure you can all hear it time and time again, "they grow up so fast" and "love every minute because it goes by so fast".  Everyone who has ever uttered these words is absolutely right!  I cannot believe that Reese is already 3 months old--time really does fly by when you're having fun.

Speaking of fun...Miss Reese is more fun everyday.  We see a little more personality out of her everyday and quite honestly, she cracks us up!  She is quite the chatty little baby.  It will be interesting to see what she talks about once she actually has a vocabulary, because I can only imagine what she intends for all of her interesting sounds to be as they are today.  And I swear she is growing like a weed!  JP and I look at her some days and see noticeable differences from the day's wild!  She really is putting on the baby chub and I love pinching that sweet meat! She is also learning new tricks everyday.  Last weekend Honey taught her to sit up on her own in the Boppy and boy is she proud little baby! She also loves sitting in her highchair and watching whatever I have going on in the kitchen...and tells me all about it, too!

Along with her 3 month birthday (last Thursday), Reese also experienced another first this weekend--her first sleepover (without the 'rents).  JP and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday.  Our cousins (and friends), the Beverly's, were also begging us to babysit, so it was perfect timing.  We dropped Reese off around 1 pm on Saturday and didn't get her back until 2 pm on Sunday.  JP and I stayed in town, but sure enjoyed a beautiful afternoon and evening around the ATX hitting up a string of places we had never been to--it was a blast--more to come on our destinations a little later.  Reese enjoyed watching the Beverly boys' baseball games on Saturday, attending their school carnival and more baseball on Sunday--thank goodness she likes to be on-the-go!  We really enjoyed ourselves, but it sure was great to have our little lady back home on Sunday!

Here are a few pics of the little lady lately...


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