The Nap Nanny is truly an amazing product! I could just kick myself, though, for waiting until Reese was already 2 months old to get it. I just thought, why jump to fork out another $130 on a baby product, unless I REALLY need it--well I REALLY did. I know I've mentioned before about her reflux, which by the way, we diagnosed kind of late, then went on one medicine that didn't work, and then finally to one that did. That coupled with a sleep positioner that actually works and she doesn't fall off was the trick to all of us getting a good night's sleep.
Reese was not a good sleeper in the beginning because she was so uncomfortable as a result of the reflux. It progressively got better with the medicine, but then the Nap Nanny was the icing on the cake. She absolutely loves this thing and from what I hear, so does every other baby that sleeps in one. Their tagline is "everybody sleeps" and that sure is a fact!
Reese has been a champ at sleeping at night for quite some time now (even though I'm just now posting this). So, now comes the time that we try to wean her off of the Nap Nanny. She's had several nights without it, but often she would wake up in the early morning and I end up putting her back in it. I thought she was completely grown out of the reflux, but I don't think she is. So, back on the medicine we went and back into the Nap Nanny we went. Now, I'm trying the nap flat, Nap Nanny at night scenario, which seems to be working quite well. Now, it's only a matter of time that we try to wean her of it all together. Adelyn over at Nine Months to Life has a hard time staying in it, so they are talking about doing away with it too, but Reese doesn't seem to move in it--she loves it that much and sleeps that great in it! I just know that the longer I prolong this change, the harder it's going to be on all of us.
I will always have great things to say about this awesome product! I just hope I have great things to say about Reese's sleep patterns once she's fully out of it!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago