So, I'm sure it's just a phase (at least I hope it is), but Miss Reese has been quite clingy and crabby the past week or so. I mean if she isn't sleeping, eating, outside or watching Your Baby Can Read, she is little miss antsy pants and fusses. I'm fairly certain she is cutting some new teeth, because this temperament is not her norm. Let's hope it comes and goes fast, though, because it's wearing this mama out! I mean, I make quite the to-do list for myself at the beginning of the week and constantly picking up and consoling a fussy baby makes things go r e a l l y s l o w l y.
But, last week, my mom said something that made me think, she said "enjoy holding her now, because there will come a time when she won't want to be held", and I think "...and too big to be held". So, I'm trying my best to embrace this "clingy" time and enjoy snuggling with my little one. Yesterday, she woke up from her nap and I knew she needed to rest a bit more so I sat on the couch with her (and paci and horsey, of course) and she slept in my arms for over an hour. Of course, my mind was listing out all the things I needed to do, but it was ABSOLUTE BLISS watching her sleep in my arms...something that hasn't happened in months!
So yes, I think I'm doing a pretty good job embracing this phase, but even today she seems back on the path to greatness.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
1 year ago