As you recall, we did not know Reese was going to be Reese until she arrived, so I had planned a very gender neutral nursery. The beginnings of the nest may have been suitable for a boy or girl, but we've been girlin' it up ever since Miss Reese made her arrival.
The monogrammed panels you see in the pic were planned be it a boy or girl. I had all of the white and brown painted and complete before delivery day and had already planned to do the monogram in silver sage if IBP was a boy and pink for a girl. I also added painted ceramic pink and brown knobs to her dresser. That coupled with some of the awesome gifts Reese has recieved has made for an adorable little room.
So anyway, just wanted to share a few pics of Reese's girly nursery. It continues to evolve, so stay tuned to see the awesome hair bow holder Aunt Lauren soon as I get it hung!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago