Saturday, April 10, 2010

A 105 Year Difference

Posted by TEAM PARKER at 9:05 PM
We headed out to the ranch once again to celebrate the Easter holiday this year.  As always it was a great time with family and a great chance for a little R&R.  Aunt Cornelia came out for a visit on Friday and since we missed her the last time we were out there, it was her first time to meet Miss Reese, and it was so special!
Before I go any further, I need to give you all a quick history on Aunt Cornelia.  She turned 105 years old on January 18--WOW!  Yes, that is just 4 days difference from Reese's birthday, so they are almost exactly 105 years apart.  Aunt Cornelia never had any children, but her 16 nieces and nephews were the stand-in, and then the great nieces and nephews, and great great, and so on are all truly like her grandchildren and great-grand children to her.  PawPaw (my moms dad) was one of her nephews and they were always very close, so it was so special to see her with Reese and see another generation get to meet our matriarch.  Aunt Cornelia, along with her late husband, Albert, are also the party responsible for giving our family "The Ranch".  It is such a special place to us and we are so thankful for it!

5 generations (with Grandma standing in since PawPaw isn't with us)

Now, I have to tell you a bit about her visit and some of her remarks.  As can be expected with 105 years of life, she is a bit confused these days, so she did ask me a couple times, "is this your baby?".  She was really in awe of Miss Reese.  It was a fairly warm day and Reese was dressed in some play clothes (a onsie and pants), but Aunt C harped on the fact that she needed to be covered up with a blanket so that she would stay warm and not get sick.  Well, Reese is a little heater, and we kept a blanket on her to make Aunt C happy, but I have a feeling Reese was quite steamy.

On to her swing.  For part of the visit, Reese was sitting in her carseat, with it attached to the SnugGlider and swinging away.  She loves it and I do to!  Aunt C kept asking, "Is she getting dizzy?" cute...we kindly replied, "no, it's just like if we were rocking her in a rocking chair".

I just thought it was all quite humerous to hear her remarks and what was going through her mind pertaining to a baby and such and how it differes from my thoughts and the way we care for babies on a day-to-day basis.  What a difference 105 years makes!


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