Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Day Destined for Quinn

Posted by TEAM PARKER at 12:23 PM
Yes, May 7 was the day destined for our baby girl's arrival.  We were planning induction for that day since I had good progress and I was ready for our newest little lady to make her appearance for many reasons.  It's always nice to have things somewhat planned, too when there is a big sister to consider care for.

Honey and PP made their way to Austin on Monday afternoon to be here with Reese while we headed to the hospital at 5:30 the next morning.  Not sure why, but I decided I should eat the same meal as I did the night before Reese was born, so we all dined on Pei Wei takeout on the deck.  Bedtime routine with Reese was done before 9, and I was in bed by 9:30 since I knew it would be a long day on Tuesday.  Little did I know it was going to be much longer than I had anticipated.

I think I finally dozed off around 10:30 that night and was up at 12:30 am for a bathroom break and some contractions.  I'd experienced a lot of Braxton Hicks throughout the majority of my pregnancy and these seemed about the same, but quickly things began to progress.  I played a few mind games with myself wondering if I should call the doc, go in early, etc since I was already scheduled for that day.  I realized that I was not going to be going back to sleep so I decided to take a long hot shower and get ready for the day, because what I DID know is that I was going to have a baby that day and I might as well TRY to look and feel fresh.

By the time we left for the hospital around 3:30 am, I was having contractions every 5 minutes or so and it was PAINFUL.  We were already about 5 minutes from the house when I realized I'd forgotten my purse, so we had to go back because I figured I would need my DL for paperwork etc.  The ride was pretty miserable.

After going to a few wrong doors because of the hour, we finally made in to L&D and into a room.  I was already a 6! By the time I got my epidural I was an 8 and so incredibly relieved that now I could rest a bit.

After a mere 5 minutes of pushes, our newest little lady, Quinn Mae had arrived at 8:41 am, weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long  My first thoughts were how much she looked like JP and how much she looked like Reese when she was born.

We are smitten with the newest member of Team Parker!


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